Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Lightsaber

I made this lightsaber all by myself. First I found the good pieces. A metal tube with a hole for the handel, a piece of plywood for the belt clip, on/off switch, and the bottom cap. I used drill, circular saw, saw, file, two washers, a nut, a bolt, and some glue.

I made it by:
1. Using the circular saw I cut a piece of plywood to match the hole on the handle, colored it red, and glued it to the hole
2. Using the circular saw again I cut a square then used the saw to make it an octagon then filed the edges to make a circle and glued it onto the bottom.
3. Then using the drill I made a hole for the bolt.
4. Using the circular saw for the third time I cut a rectangle and drilled a hole for the bolt and using the saw I cut 1/2 cm in the midle and 1/4 cm on the side then filed the corners so they are not sharp.
5. Finally I screwed the bolt onto the belt clip and slid the two washers on and screwed it onto the hole on the handle
6. When i got home I filled it with a bunch of LEDs and lasers and batteries and a switch.

When it was ready I placed a camera onto a tripod, started the timer to take a picture, took the attack stance and turned on the lightsaber.

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